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Keywords: mechanical properties
PO-GePV-T-44Physics of Cancer: Measurement and Modelling of Post-Radiotherapy Cell Migration to Assess Metastasis
A Walther*, M Merrick , C Weeder , H Akhter , M Mimlitz , A Ekpenyong , Creighton University, Omaha, NE, USA.
SU-K-221AB-2On the Quantitative Analysis of Biomechanical Lung Model Consistency Using 5DCT Datasets
B Stiehl1*, M Lauria1 , D O'Connell1 , K Hasse2 , I Barjaktarevic1 , P Lee1 , D Low1 , A Santhanam1 , (1) University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, (2) University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA